
1. Logo – Appearance->Customize->Site Identity->Logo

2. Main Menu – Appearance->Menus and Main location

3. WooCommerce Menu – Appearance->Customize->Header->WooCommerce Menu / Search

4. Featured Slider – Elementor Page Builder

5. Recent Products – Elementor Page Builder

6. Top Products – Elementor Page Builder

7. Featured Products – Elementor Page Builder

8. Latest Posts – Elementor Page Builder

9. Footer widgets – Appearance->Widgets->Footer 1/2/3/4

10. Copyright section – Appearance->Customize->Footer->Copyrights

11. Social Menu – Appearance->Menus and Social Links location


Additional Features:

global colors and fonts – Appearance->Customize->Apperance->Global Colors / Global Typography

header settings (hight, color) – Appearance->Customize->Header->General

menu settings – (background, color, font) – Appearance->Customize->Header->Menu

single post – Appearance->Customize->Blog->Single Post

footer (background, color, font) – Appearance->Customize->Footer->Copyrights

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